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Why did Canada support a U.S. coup in Haiti?

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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 07:26 PM
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Why did Canada support a U.S. coup in Haiti?
The question that remains unanswered — and mostly unasked — by Canadian politicians and media is: Why did Canada support a U.S. coup in Haiti? That question was implied by a senior diplomat with CARICOM (Caribbean Community), the alliance of 15 of Haiti's Caribbean neighbours: “We're a little disappointed in Canada's response because we're not sure where Canada stood on the whole issue....” The issue is the manner in which Aristide was removed from Haiti on February 29 of this year. The question will continue to dog Canada as some Canadian troops will be involved in the peace-keeping force as well.

“Rebuilding the country,” as organized by the U.S., involves similar strategies to the U.S. plan for Iraq — where Canada refused to go along. U.S. marines regularly march into the poor neighbourhoods that remain staunch Aristide strongholds, alongside the reconstituted and militarized Haitian National police, with both the marines and the police firing into houses and groups of people on the street. Bodies appear in the Port au Prince morgues daily from these incursions. Marines also regularly invade private homes, allegedly to search for weapons — which they very rarely find — and they do so with an over-kill that amazes even supporters of the U.S. occupation.

After more than three months in Haiti, some 3,700 troops — the bulk of whom are U.S., but including more than 500 Canadians — have little to show for their intervention. Inflation has spiraled even beyond that for which Aristide was criticized. A New York Times article June 1 reports that a 50-kilogram sack of rice — the most precious commodity in Haiti — sold for $22.50 in January (under Aristide) and has fluctuated between $45 and $37 since then. The Times article, by Tim Wiener, commented: “One lesson of life in Haiti is never say things cannot get worse. They can and they have. People say they have less money, less food and less hope since the February revolt.” Although the U.S. Marines spokesperson, Sgt. Dave Lapan, told the Associated Press on May 30 that more than 20,000 weapons remain in the hands of possible combatants, he admitted the marines have seized fewer than 200.

On May 18, the marines went further, accompanying police and firing indiscriminately at the tens of thousands of Haitians demonstrating on Haiti's Flag Day, demanding the return of their elected president. The Associated Press reported nine deaths from police fire, but a U.S. reporter on the scene, Kevin Pina, said there were at least 12 deaths, including one person he saw shot by a Marine. (Flashpoints Radio, KPFA, Berkeley,CA, May 18, 2004.)
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CHIMO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 07:41 PM
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1. Good Question
Where has the media been? Nowhere.

Looks to me that it reflects the priorities of the big cheese and his advisers.

Doesn't say much for his advisers and says less for the person(s) that decided on who would be the advisers.

I think that they thought that they would earn brownie points and that no one would notice.
By the way, haven't heard much about the Canadian minister for the military during this Canadian election campaign.

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