The insider candidates won the last round of primaries, but David Sirota adds some context: when a grassroots challenger to an incumbent blessed by the president can come within single digits of winning, the days of Democrats owned by the wealthy are numbered.
The real question is what Obama will do if these turds are flushed out of Congress to the point that they can no longer shape the agenda by threatening to side with Republicans or quietly withholding their cloture vote in the Senate to block desperately needed fundamental change.
If someone says this thread is divisive, you should look at the actions of the corporate Democrats who outspend their progressive challengers then when they win, ignore the will of the Democrats who voted for them as the lesser of two evils.
If the Democratic Party leadership doesn't get their shit together and stop trying to be the other corporate white meat, they will be responsible for any losses in the White House or Congress--or they will be replaced.
Considering Bennet's wealth, corporate fundraising, incumbency and presidential support, it is astounding that a whopping 46 percent of this bellwether state's Democratic voters cast their ballots against him, against their own party's establishment and against their own party's president.
For those who care about a progressive economic agenda and about injecting democracy into the Democratic Party, this is encouraging when put next to the similarly impressive results of White House-thwarting Democratic primary challengers in Pennsylvania and Arkansas. And that trend explains the increasingly fierce pushback from Washington.
Yes, this is why Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs, so vociferously berated the progressive movement on the eve of Colorado's primary, and why DNC powerbrokers moved so forcefully against Romanoff. He was the latest candidate to represent what those elites know to be an ascendant national progressive uprising inside the Democratic Party – one that keenly understands money's corrosive effects on public policy and that, therefore, rejects the Beltway's corporatist model.
Seeing that this uprising threatens their power and their D.C. worldview, these elites are desperate to preserve Dark Helmet's principle – so desperate, in fact, they have resorted to employing Obama's presidential campaign infrastructure to prop up more conservative candidates against progressive challengers in intra-party battles.">FULL TEXT