Bush tax cut for very wealthy
So-called supply-side economists don’t like raising taxes on anyone and argue that raising them on the well-off will slow economic growth. They say people at the top will have less incentive to work hard, invest and invent.
History has proven them wrong. During 1951 to 1980, when America’s top marginal tax rate was between 70 percent and 92 percent, the nation’s average annual growth was 3.7 percent. But between 1983 and start of the Great Recession, when the top rate was far lower — ranging between 35 percent and 39 percent — the economy grew an average of just 3 percent per year. Supply-siders are fond of claiming Ronald Reagan’s 1981 cuts caused the 1980s economic boom. In fact, that boom followed Reagan’s 1982 tax increase. The 1990s boom was not the result of a tax cut. It came after Bill Clinton’s 1993 tax increase.
A final reason for allowing the Bush tax cut to expire is the most basic. Although Wall Street’s excesses were the proximate cause of the great recession, its fundamental cause lay in the nation’s widening inequality. For years, most of the gains of economic growth in America have been going to the top — leaving the nation’s vast middle class with a shrinking portion of total income. (In the 1970s, the top 1 percent received 8 percent to 9 percent of total income, but thereafter income concentrated so rapidly that by 2007 the top received 23.5 percent of the total.) The only way most Americans could continue to buy most of what they produced was by borrowing. But now that the debt bubble has burst the underlying problem has re-emerged.
Why make it worse? Bush’s 2001 tax cut was a huge windfall for the wealthy. About 40 percent of its benefits went to the tiny sliver of Americans earning more than $500,000. So rather than debate whether to end the Bush tax cuts for the top and restore the top marginal tax rates to where they were under Clinton, we should be debating whether to raise the highest marginal tax rate higher than it was under Clinton and use the proceeds to give the middle class a permanent tax cut.
I’m not suggesting this, mind you, but just to get the debate started: How about restoring the top rate to where it was under John F. Kennedy (76 percent), or under Dwight Eisenhower (91 percent)?