NEWMAN, William Harris and Anthony Palischak, aka the Luzerne County Zoning Hearing Board, gave swift approval this month for Encana Oil & Gas to drill 10 gas wells in Fairmont and Lake townships.
Before they finished, Newman, vice president for Planning, Policy and Community Development at the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry, Harris and Palischak went even further, giving Encana their blessing to install a natural gas processor in our area.
These three marionettes, Newman, Harris and Palischak, concluded their shameful performance having said yes to Encana (Canada) and no to the people who live here. Worse, they did it in a meeting room packed with people, just like you, pleading and voicing their opposition to this degradation of our region.
The next morning The Times Leader’s article said it best, “The Luzerne County Zoning Hearing Board approved everything Encana Oil & Gas asked for … ” Well scripted, they did it repeatedly, unanimously and in front of all of us who read the paper and watched the nightly news.
The following evening, while out to dinner with my family, I looked on as a representative of Encana Oil & Gas was escorted around the restaurant and introduced as if she were a conquering hero. It was a wonderfully absurd moment as I thought of the question readers probably most often ask: “How do we stop them?”
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'A fool and his money are soon parted.'
Who will buy their gas and oil when we are all homeless and dead?