<<In 1991, the Amarillo City Commission approached my good friend Jerry Johnson (a Democrat) and me (a Republican) with a charge that we organize broad Panhandle support for the Pantex plant, its continued existence and proper expansion. A strong community effort produced the creation of a National Research Facility composed of The University of Texas, Texas Tech University, and Texas A&M University. Research included peaceful use of plutonium and other weapon by-products. Gov. Ann Richards and U.S. Rep. Bill Sarpalius, both Democrats, energized the political charge.
Bill White, then deputy energy secretary, became one of our most reliable supporters in Washington by actively advancing the cause of Pantex, which still is high on his priority list.
Bill returned to Houston, where he had helped establish a major law firm, built successful businesses, including oil and gas service companies employing people in the Panhandle; and served three terms as mayor of Houston. When Hurricane Katrina occurred, Bill, with compassionate and orderly leadership, held the city together and brought reason to what could have been chaos. Now get this: During his six-year tenure, he averaged over 85 percent popular support. He sure did something right.>>
It looks like White is a Democrat in the sense that he is not part of the lunatic fringe that includes Rick Perry. I'm not sure he's going to be an improvement.