Newt Gingrich praised China's tax policies because:
a)It has helped their economy.
b)He was showing off his knowledge of the tax codes.
c)He admires their shabby treatment of seriously ill women.
Laura Schlessinger made racially provocative remarks because:
a)She doesn't know any Black people.
b)She was trying to create dialogue.
c)Her degree in physiology gives her knowledge of being a pain in the ass.
Conservatives are upset with President Obama's endorsement of a mosque near Ground Zero because:
a)It insults the memory of 9/11.
b)Islam is a religion filled with terrorists.
c)He is Barack Obama.
Same-sex marriage is ironic because:
a)The public really doesn't care.
b)It is a personal issue.
c)One gay marriage is one more than the combined marriages of Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Monica Crowley, and Matt Drudge
Baseball looked the other way on steroids because:
a)Home run hitters help attendance.
b)It was hard to detect.
c)Nothing says success like one guy literally lifting his whole team.