Unprecedented floods or India’s water war?Aug 18, 2010
The Daily Mail finds that the death and destruction following a natural disaster of unprecedented torrential rains has man-made imprints on it. The sudden swelling of the rivers continues even after the rains have stopped or their intensity has reduced. The surge of water is not due to the melting of glaciers alone.
It has been brought about that the Sarobi Dam on the River Kabul close to the Pak-Afghan border, is being maintained by India. The sudden flow of water in the River Kabul could have only occurred if Afghanistan had been hit by the same level of torrential rains as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, meteorological data indicates that neither was there unprecedented rainfall in Afghanistan this summer, nor any glacial melting contributing to the flooding in River Kabul.
That leaves only one option available, that the flood gates of Sarobi Dam were deliberately opened to cause extreme flooding in River Kabul bringing devastation in the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but none in Afghanistan. Simultaneously, carefully synchronizing the Kabul River’s flooding, the over a dozen dams built by India in Indian occupied Kashmir, release their water, flooding Chenab and Indus, causing maximum damage in Punjab and Sindh. This sinister plan is one regarding which The Daily Mail has been warning since ages, but the Indus Water Commission and concerned authorities have paid no heed. The Indian manipulation of Kabul River along with Chenab and Indus has done its damage, although as the UN warns, the worst is not over, while more floods are expected, the onslaught of epidemic and waterborne diseases is going to wreak greater havoc. For India, it is a dream come true. On the one hand, death and human misery has left the flood stricken people shell shocked, on the other, the communication infrastructure is totally devastated. The standing crops have been ruined and there is now an acute fear of famine. India bet on Pakistani leader’s callousness, corruption and selfish attitudes to act as a catalyst to catapult the devastation.
Reports are now emerging that politicians, holding to their seats in power, ensured that the flood waters were diverted away from their lands.Mature and responsible leaders like Former Prime Minister Mir Zafar Ullah Khan Jamali alleged that some political elements broke the flood safety walls in order to save their agricultural lands from floods. He said that everyone is worried about safeguarding the US airbase in Jacobabad but nobody is concerned about the citizens of Pakistan. Thus India’s macabre strategy of “water wars” has met with unprecedented success and has been abetted by Pakistani leaders.
http://dailymailnews.com/0810/18/Editorial_Column/DMEditorial.php Where is this all Water coming from..Tuesday August 17, 2010 (1017 PST)
There is a very sinister aspect to the floods in Pakistan that no one is discussing in the media. While there were rains and flooding in some rivers of the country, the size, scale and the gush of water suddenly pumped into these rivers defies logic. This is especially true considering that rains have slowed down since the breakout of the floods on 29 July.
It is two weeks since the rains stopped but water continues to rise in the rivers Indus and Chenab. There was no flooding in India or in Afghanistan. Never before have rivers in all the provinces of Pakistan flooded at the same time without a similar act affecting the upstream, the source. While some parts of the country, like some areas of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa saw flooding in 1929, the simultaneous floods covering all of Pakistan and in all of the rivers flowing in from Afghanistan and Indian-occupied Kashmir is something truly unprecedented.
The speed and quantity of the gushing water and the short span of time in which it picked momentum preclude the possibility that melting glaciers are solely responsible for the floods. There is no evidence that suggests that glaciers decided to melt at a faster speed just in time for the heavy monsoon rains. There is every likelihood that what we are seeing today is that the Indians and the US-backed regime in Kabul are using water as a weapon for the first time to deluge Pakistan. There is no doubt about it.
From an initial look at the data, it seems that a natural spill of heavy rain was exploited by releasing water reservoirs in Indian-occupied Kashmir and on river Kabul. Let’s remember that the Met Office in Pakistan had already forecast heavy rains almost ten days before the first downpour. Different people received this news in different ways. Pakistani politicians, inept and incompetent as usual, slept over it. The anti-Pakistan terrorists based on Afghan soil and supported by several countries used this information to exacerbate terror against Pakistani citizens in the southwestern province of Balochistan, knowing that the State machinery would be distracted.
Interestingly, even when it comes to water, it is Indians who are sitting to the left and right of Pakistan’s borders and controlling it`s flow. The dam on Kabul river is handled by Indian personnel, while tens of dams choke Pakistan from the side of occupied Kashmir.