For OpEdNews: Bill Hare
In place of approaching White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' recent well publicized rebuke of progressives in a troubling context, how about instead examining the positive side?
My response is, congratulations progressives, you earned the rebuke. Now take a well deserved bow.
How long were progressives to be expected to play the same gullible duopoly game of rigging a system for the benefit of the top one-half of one percent?
Did it occur to Gibbs and others that progressives do not fit into the passive zombie mode to which the frequent viewers of Fox News and listeners to Rush Limbaugh delightedly occupy?
In 2008 the campaign of which Gibbs was a leader stressed comprehensive change as the forces of Barack Obama sought to turn back the effort of Hillary Clinton.
The Obama strategists knew how furious the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was as neocons ran rampant in a Bush-Cheney administration where 9/11 was used as a perpetual propaganda linchpin and war was launched in the name of preserving peace.
In George Orwell 1 it is taught that crises continue to be manufactured and/or used to justify conflict. With that conflict multinational corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, and Monsanto achieve gigantic profits.
This type of conduct, we were repeatedly told, would not be tolerated in an Obama Administration, nor would the likes of waterboarding and rendition. Miscreants would be investigated. If the facts warranted trial would follow and imprisonment rendered upon conviction.
So what happened when Obama achieved power? How vigilantly has Attorney General Eric Holder pursued egregious violations of the U.S. Constitution and international law?
Link to entire article:
Interesting take on the Gibbs rant against the "professional left".