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Internet “Comment” Sections Poison Public Debate

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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-18-10 02:09 PM
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Internet “Comment” Sections Poison Public Debate
The comment section on SF Gate knows is dominated by sarcastic and cynical attacks on Chris Daly, immigrants, Nancy Pelosi, homeless persons, and/or others identified with progressive politics. The comments rarely say much about the underlying story, and, unlike traditional letters to the editor, are not required to do so. And the angry tone of SF Gate comments is typical of mainstream news sites, which have also become forums for attacking Barack Obama, unions, government regulation, the poor, and racial minorities regardless of the content of the story being commented upon. Why do mainstream media companies monitor what is published in their print editions but let anything go online? Encouraging participatory journalism and reader feedback is great, but not when it becomes a forum for distortions, personal attacks and quasi-hate speech. These comment sections boosts cynicism and divides people, and betray rather than contribute to the media’s public education goals.

I recall Ralph Nader saying back in the 1970’s that corporate America could best accomplish its agenda by promoting public and voter cynicism rather than openly manipulating the media to back conservative policies. Nader’s assessment proved correct, as the traditional media has long enshrined Ronald Reagan’s “government is the problem” mantra as a way to get working people to distrust and oppose government programs and policies for their benefit.

While mainstream media online “comment” sections are not part of a conscious corporate plan, the impact in boosting cynicism is the same. Expressions of cynicism, racism, attacks on the poor and vulnerable, and a contempt for government typifies such feedback.

The contrast between an offline newspaper’s Letters to Editor section and the “comments” page on its online edition is striking. While the largely unedited online comment sections is rife with personal and group attacks, the paper edition’s letters are required to be reasoned, coherent, and at least somewhat factually based.

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Yep. I've seen the worst racism and political incorrectness all over the comments sections. Good to see them getting called out.
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leveymg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-18-10 02:30 PM
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1. My suggestion is don't waste your time reading the comments there.
You'll get plenty of spirited disagreement at DU on just about anything, but at least much of it will be intelligent and sometimes enlightening. It's at least entertaining most of the time.

The problem is the dumbed-down MSM and its dumbed-down audience. They're both brain-dead. Just switch off the respirator, and close the door.
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