Seriously! South China News reports that the dirty rotten greedy heartless scoundrels that are U.S. and Europe's corporate executives are lamenting slave minimum wage pay increases in China.
The prospect of workers in China making a whopping 900 Yuan per month ($132 U.S. Dollars), for God knows how many hours of work and under what conditions, has actually frightened the overpaid, undertaxed greedy bastards otherwise known as CEO's.
Sarge in Seattle's diary :: ::
First they outsource most of the middle class wage manufacturing jobs to China in order to exploit the most desperate people in the world by rendering them slaves while pretending to employ them for their own benefit. Then, when pay starts to creep up above bare subsistence levels, they become "extremely worried".
These executives, at least a large portion of them, must be sociopaths. They simply do not care about human beings. They do not care about the environment. They do not care about the future for our children. They do not care how many people die by way of starvation, industrial accidents, cancer, lung disease, etc, so long as it serves their intersts. They care about two things: Their own personal exorbitant compensation, and profits for their shareholders.
Upton Sinclair's "Jungle" is alive and well, although it has mostly been outsourced to Asia.
According to a survey of major US and European corporations published this week by Credit Suisse, 40 per cent of executives are either "very worried" or "extremely worried" by rising wages in China
Why would U.S. executives fret about rising labor costs in China? Wouldn't that make U.S. manufactured goods more competitive? Yes, it would – if U.S corporations actually manufactured stuff in America. Unfortunately, most of the goods produced by U.S. corporations are manufactured outside of America. So if China's labor costs increases, it hurts the profits of U.S. companies that are manufacturing in China, and it hurts companies like Walmart, which provides "value" to its customers by demanding that suppliers seek out and enslave the least advantaged people on the planet.
Think about it. We've reached the point where we manufacture so little here, and so much elsewhere, that domestic corporate executives are distressed about the prospect of manufacturing in China becoming less competitive vis a vis U.S. manufacturing because of rising labor costs. Read that again, and fathom how completely sick that proposition is.