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The GOP's Long, Hot, Racist Summer

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 11:28 AM
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The GOP's Long, Hot, Racist Summer
Check out the creds of this author. :wow: Soon to be unemployed??

The GOP's Long, Hot, Racist Summer

by Kirsten Powers

Kirsten Powers is a political analyst on Fox News and a writer for the New York Post. She served in the Clinton Administration from 1993-1998 and has worked in New York state and city politics. Her writing has been published in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the New York Observer,, Elle magazine and American Prospect online.

First came a harsh new immigration law and calls of white racism; then we turned up the heat with an “n-word” flap and the ground zero mosque hysteria. Kirsten Powers on a season of grievance jihads.

Welcome to the summer of hate.

These dog days have brought a veritable festival of racial demagoguery, from a phony “New Black Panther” controversy to Arizona’s draconian illegal-immigrant crackdown to the most recent “ground zero mosque” hysteria.

Leave it to GOP darling Sarah Palin to turn up the heat with a bizarre defense of the hateful Dr. Laura’s “n-word” rant.

What would make a police officer suspicious that a person was undocumented? If you guessed “brown skin” or “Mexican accent,” you are on the right track.

In a rambling Facebook post, the former Alaska governor asked incredulously: “Does anyone seriously believe that Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a racist?”

Why, yes, Sarah. Yes, we do.

This incident is instructive, because it bears the hallmark of many GOP blunders in the area of race. Palin truly cannot understand why anyone would think that Dr. Laura is racist, or why Palin’s defense of her is disgusting. In Palin’s world, apparently this kind of behavior is acceptable, which tells us quite a bit, actually.


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COLGATE4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. I find it hard to take Kirsten Powers seriously
When she appears on TV as the "Democrat" to give 'balance' on the Faux network she usually turns in a pitiful performance, rarely sticking up for the liberal point of view. She knows where her bread is buttered.
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-23-10 02:42 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I never heard of her til this article; I'm sure faux wasn't
happy to read this.
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