Alberto Gonzales to GOP Leaders: Don't Trash the Constitution
John Nichols
August 23, 2010
In his op-ed, Gonzales restates the Bush administration's proposals for comprehensive immigration reform, which seem remarkably moderate when compared to what Republicans are now proposing.
He also strikes a balance that has been missing from the current debate.
"As the nation's former chief law enforcement officer and a citizen who believes in the rule of law, I cannot condone anyone coming into this country illegally. However, as a father who wants the best for my own children, I understand why these parents risk coming to America—especially when there is little fear of prosecution," writes the former Texas jurist and White House counsel who became the nation's first Hispanic attorney general. "If we want to stop this practice, we should pass and enforce comprehensive immigration legislation rather than amend our Constitution."
I've written many a column criticizing Gonzales.
I still disagree with him on many, make that most, issues.
But his decision to speak up at this critical moment, and the humane and reasonable way in which he has done so, deserves attention and praise—especially from members of the Grand Old Party, who should recognize that the Fourteenth Amendment, written and enacted by radical Republicans in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, is one of their party's greatest legacies to America.