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Pundits Blame the Victims on Obama Muslim Myth

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 03:09 PM
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Pundits Blame the Victims on Obama Muslim Myth
Last week, a Pew Research Center poll was released that showed an increase in the proportion of Americans who falsely believe President Obama is a Muslim.

The conversation since then has largely focused on the failings of the public. Slate's Jack Shafer, for instance, said adherents of the Muslim myth are "imagining things" and pointed to a poll finding that "18 percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth":

Don't these people read newspapers or watch TV? As a matter of fact, many do. According to the poll, 60 percent (PDF) of those who believe Obama is a Muslim also told the pollsters that they learned it from the media. Seeing as I can recall no major or minor media report that presented proof that would convince any sentient creature over the age of 10 that Obama is a Muslim, I'm starting to feel better. The 18 percenters are imagining things...

I'd be more upset about the Pew poll if a Gallup Poll hadn't also reported that 18 percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth or that only 18 percent of Americans believe all or most of what is published in the New York Times. We can count on stupidity, willful ignorance, and intellectual sloth to plague us 100 percent of the time. All we can do is fight the darkness with light.

The media just sat there like potted plants for the last year letting the Republicans tell one lie after the other. As far as I'm concerned it's their fault!
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PJPhreak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 03:42 PM
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1. "18 percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth"

Ok,so 18 percent of Americans failed second grade Science??

Awww Geez!
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