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Why Republicans Will Raise Your Taxes

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 04:40 PM
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Why Republicans Will Raise Your Taxes
Mitch Daniels is not a communist, a socialist, or even a garden-variety liberal. On the contrary, he’s a conservative Republican who’s served at the pleasure of two Republican presidents (Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush) and now occupies the Indiana governor’s mansion. He’s even seen in some GOP circles as a potential 2012 presidential nominee. And yet when I asked Daniels earlier this month whether the federal government might have to raise taxes at some point in the future—regardless of which party was in power—his answer was yes.

“At some stage there could well be a tax increase,” he said. “If you believe our fiscal mess is republic-threatening, and if you have to take the third- or fourth-best approach, at the end of the day, I’d do it.”

Welcome to Grover Norquist’s worst nightmare. For the last 20 years, no one principle has united the Republican Party quite like its violent opposition to tax increases—except, perhaps, its equally ardent obsession with tax cuts. When liberal economist Paul Krugman described the GOP as a horde of “tax-cut zombies” just “shambling forward, always hungry for more,” he wasn’t far off; every election cycle, Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform forces candidates to sign a “no new tax” pledge, and holdouts risk being publicly ridiculed for not signing. But now there are indications that at least some Republicans, like Daniels, are awakening from their stupor. As the crippling recession and mounting long-term deficit projections inspire new calls for fiscal austerity, especially from the Tea Party types currently driving the GOP’s agenda, it’s worth asking whether we’re about to witness the biggest change in conservative politics since the rise of Reagan: the beginning of the end of the Tax Zombie Republican.

To get a sense of how such a staggering shift could be possible, let’s rev up our DeLoreans, restart our flux capacitors, and return to the roots of modern-day Republicanism. Among conservatives, Ronald Reagan is remembered as the tax-cutter in chief: the supply-side hero whose Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the top marginal tax rate by more than half. But the truth is that after his first year in office, Reagan was actually willing (if not always happy) to compensate for gaps in the government’s revenue stream by raising rates. In 1982, for example, he agreed to restore a third of the previous year’s massive cut. It was the largest tax increase in U.S. history. The Gipper also raised taxes in 1983. And 1984. And 1986. The party sainted him for his efforts.
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 04:49 PM
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1. Then Daniels won't make it past New Hampshire with that type of approach
Anti-tax fanatics dominate those primaries.
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Andy823 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 05:03 PM
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2. I just read this on MSNBC
I think this is pretty accurate, and even though most republicans scream bloody murder when tax hikes are talked about, there are those who "KNOW" it has to happen! They will use it against democrats in the elections, but if by some miracle they get back in congress and the WH, they know that in order to get this country back on it's feet, tax hikes will be the only way to get the job done. It's like all the other things they are so against. They talk big on changing things, but never do once they get elected, and yet the morons on the right keep on voting for them. Of course when republicans raise taxes the morons who vote for them are all for it because "it has to be done", yet when democrats do it, the scream and cry about how terrible it is!
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unblock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-24-10 07:05 PM
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3. by the time reagan was through, most people were facing higher taxes
nevermind the effect he had on increasing STATE taxes due to lower federal spending, the doubling of the payroll taxes all by itself meant that you had to make a LOT of income before the lower tax rates offset the higher payroll taxes.

reagan was a real tax cutter only for the very rich, but ain't that always the way with republicans.
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