... in this case for policital gain.
The President's statement was appropriate as it accurately characterized the tactics and actions of the Republicans, who John Boehner promised would be the
"Party of 'NO' ". Her characerization of it as "an attack" illigitimizes his comment. She is insinuating that his comment goes beyond what one could say looking at the facts. But the President's remark accurately characterized what the Republicans have said they would do and have been doing: they have been doing everything they can to stop anything from being accomplished by the President and the Dems(
Republicans on track to triple their filibuster record).
With regard to the economy, they ARE doing everything they can to sabotage the President's and the Democrats' efforts to repair the damage THEY CAUSED .. so they can campaign this Fall saying
the Democrats were the one's who screwed up.
Ifill, didn't say anything about the President being baited. She said his statement was an attack on Republicans. Nothing said about anything the Republicans have said, or if the President's statement was in response to any tactic or gambit by the Repunks. Although, one could make a documentary out of the personal, crazy assaults made on the President by the Republicans.. and which I might add have never been characterized by Ifill (or anybody else on PBS) as 'an attack'.
Ifill said the President
"never seems to be having a better time than when he’s attacking the Republicans." .. an unsupported global disparagement of the President's motivation and an accusation that he
makes a practice of 'attacking' Republicans. This is insinuated. IF she wants to make the case that he makes a practice of unreasonably criticizing Republicans she should make it
explicitly.... but then, of course, it would be obvious she is not conducting herself as an impartial observer ... forget about being a legitimate, unbiased (in her commentary) journalist.
Ifill's remark was an attempt to disparage the actions of the President and his motivation. She repeatedly steps outside the bounds of an unbiased, or impartial journalist (usually by way of insinuation, as if her suggested proposition is already an accepted fact). She is not acting as journalist. She is disgorging propaganda by way of insinuation, suggestion. She is spreading disinformation for the GOP, presumably to win more dollars from Corporate sponsors .... and apparently to boost their ratings with the moronic demographic.