The Wall Street Journal reports today that a new scientific study found that microbes, or microscopic bacteria, are actually eating the oil spilled in the Deepwater Horion spill, taking a lot of that nasty pollution off our hands.
According to the Journal, “oil experts and microbiologists have long known that the Gulf of Mexico harbored bacteria that had evolved to feed on petroleum hydrocarbons from natural oil seeps.” The article continues, “the Gulf of Mexico may be rebounding more quickly than many had expected, aided by microscopic clean-up crews of oil-eating bacteria that have evolved among the natural petroleum seeps on the Gulf sea floor.”
The problem? For starters only one research lab, The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has confirmed this finding, while other labs remain skeptical. But the real kicker? The Journal fails to mention this, but a cursory Google search for the lab reveals that it is an affiliate of the US Department of Energy
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And then there’s this bit from Huffington Post on Lawrence Berkeley’s research on the oil-eating microbes: “The research was supported by an existing grant with the Energy Biosciences Institute, a partnership led by the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Illinois that is funded by a $500 million, 10-year grant from BP.” Powers That Be are not happy the public hasn't fallen for their "oil is gone" story so now they are coming out with this new propaganda to see if we bite.
Watching how hard this microbe story is being pushed right now is like watching a repeat of how the "oil is gone" story was shoved down our throat by corporate controlled MSM.