Published on Thursday, August 26, 2010 by This Can't Be Happening
Fighting Words on Social Security: Apply the FICA Tax to All Income Including Investment Income and Lower the Retirement Age
by Dave LindorffIt's time for us progressives to stop playing defense on Social Security.
We've watched the retirement system suffer years of attacks by conservatives and by class traitors in the Democratic Party. We have seen the retirement age raised since 1983 from 65 to 67, and the cost-of-living calculation altered so that our benefits have declined in value over time, while the tax rate on working people has risen.
It's time to stop fighting rear-guard actions and to go on the offense.
Beginning next year, the Baby Boom generation born after 1945 is going to start retiring en masse. That means the size of the retiree portion of the population is about to double. Far from being a threat to the Social Security system though, as conservative critics falsely claim, this new wave or retirees will actually strengthen the system, because soon there will be a far larger voting population of retirees and pending retirees who will all have a vested interest in preserving and improving Social Security.
That is precisely why the Obama Administration, ever solicitous of the wishes of the corporate elite and Wall Street, together with bought-and-paid Republicans and treacherous Democrats in Congress, are attempting through the latest so-called Deficit Commission, to push through more cuts to weaken the Social Security system now, while they still can. Cat Food Commission and send Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson to the rat holes they came out of!
Social Security was the Democratic Party's greatest social program ever, and now we see people with D's behind their names in collusion with Republicans to gut this great legacy from the New Deal. They gutted the Constitution, so why not gut Social Security and Medicare!