">Smart Remarks
Now, I realize your tea party types will come screaming out of the gate, HOW DARE YOU CALL US RACIST OUTRAAAAAAAGE!!! But that, actually, is the tea party/Fox News/movement conservatism’s Achilles heel here.
Consider the degree to which these conservatives want, for instance, tougher new immigration restrictions - Arizona throughout the U.S. That is naturally going to alienate Latinos pretty much across the board. But we don’t really hate Latinos per se, the tea party types will respond; just, you know, the bad ones. It will fall on deaf ears. The Republican Party will become even less popular among minorities than it is now - as if that were possible. We will find out that it is.
But demographically, those minorities are well on their way to becoming an American majority. Numbers alone say that if the Republican Party takes out its anger on illegal immigrants and others who DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH!!! now - they’ll be punished for it, electorally, later on.
So what does movement conservatism do about that? Maybe it’s not thought that far ahead; but the reality is, in order to forestall an electoral disaster caused by simple demographics, there will have to be an all-out effort either to attract minorities to the party - which, given the inherent hostility of the angry white man base, can never happen - or the party will have to go the other way. For example - limits on legal Hispanic immigration. A return to literacy tests, perhaps. There have already been some distant rumblings along that line.
In other words, in order to retain power in a minority-majority country, the party/political sentiment that now screams HOW DARE YOU CALL US RACIST!!! will, in fact, have to be
more racist.
All the while claiming it’s not, of course. But the hatreds will come easily, given that the Fox News propaganda organ will continue to feed a steady diet of New Black Panthers/illegal immigrants/look you white people you’re so oppressed “news” stories.
And at some point that degenerates into violence. Because it must.