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Kissinger Accused of Blocking Scholar

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phoebe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:36 AM
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Kissinger Accused of Blocking Scholar
apologies if already posted. Bear in mind that the great re-write of Reagan's legacy has already begun.


The chief Latin American expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, the nation's pre-eminent foreign policy club, has quit as a protest, accusing the council of stifling debate on American intervention in Chile during the 1970's as a result of pressure from former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger.

Kenneth Maxwell, a senior fellow for inter-American affairs at the council, announced his resignation in May 13 letters to James F. Hoge Jr., the editor of Foreign Affairs magazine, where Mr. Maxwell had reviewed a book on American involvement in Chile, and to Richard Haass, president of the council's board.

"There is a question of principle at stake here," Mr. Maxwell wrote to Mr. Hoge. "It was made abundantly clear to me, as you know, that there was intense pressure on you, on Foreign Affairs and on my employer, the Council on Foreign Relations, from Henry Kissinger and others, to close off this debate about accountability and Mr. Kissinger's role in Chile in the 1970's."


Whether or not there were any hidden strings pulled to give Mr. Rogers the final word, as Mr. Maxwell claims, the dispute underscores an intense competition under way to shape the way that history is told, particularly regarding the United States involvement in Chile, as more and more documents touching on Mr. Kissinger's legacy are released.

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LittleApple81 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 10:16 AM
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1. Kissinger is one of the biggest criminals of all ages. I don't remember
who it was who was being interviewed in AAR and said that he had a TV program. He had to interview Kissinger to discuss one of his books and he was NOT going to read it (huge book, full of Kissinger's thought, nuff said).Ahyhoo, since he had to ask at least one intelligent question, he went to the index and searched for the word "casualties"...not found.
So he asked Kissinger, could you tell us how many American soldiers died during the war in Vietnam? KISSINGER DID NOT KNOW!!!
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struggle4progress Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 12:56 PM
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2. kick
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