Came across this today, from not that long ago in The American Prospect. Seems more than appropriate. Sure sounds like "progressivism" and "social justice" at a time when one of the great frauds in U.S. history tries to misappropriate the legacy of one of our greatest Americans. Worth reading the whole thing, for perspective today and why we are here at DU:
"Most Americans today know that Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, but fewer know why he was there.
King went to Memphis to support African American garbage workers, who were on strike to protest unsafe conditions, abusive white supervisors, and low wages -- and to gain recognition for their union. Their picket signs relayed a simple but profound message: "I Am A Man."
If he were still alive, King would surely be working with unions, clergy, and community groups to raise the federal minimum wage, enact local living wage laws, expand health insurance to all Americans, and help America's working poor -- hotel workers, janitors, security guards, hospital employees, grocery workers, farmworkers, and others -- unionize for better working and living conditions. . ."