From The Hill
In June, I warned in my column in The Hill that if the Republican Party took control of the House of Representatives, there would be a wave McCarthyite abuses of Congressional committees through abuse of subpoenas and abuse of the Congressional investigative process.
There are now growing public reports of the threats and abuses I warned about in June, including a new story in Politico today.
The Republicans are making a huge political mistake that will rally the Democratic base, offend political independents and backfire against them in November.
This is the arrogance of power by those who do not have power, who are so consumedby the politics of persecution and character assassination and so dependent on the support of extremist political forces that they are bragging about the abuses of power they will pursue if they get said power.
The Republican plan is to abuse the power of multiple Congressional committees, abuse the power and the process of subpoena, by hiring a fleet of partisan Republican lawyers and partisan Republican staff at taxpayer expense to pursue a politics of vendetta and persecution.