Edited on Wed Sep-01-10 06:44 AM by Mr_Jefferson_24
...appended to this story at commondreams.org:
By poster Redwriteman:
The American public IS coming around, not withstanding the regional and idealogical pockets of fear, loathing, intolerance, and greed.
We have been in this position before in our past, and history is instructive here.
The 2008 election represented a victory for Progressivism. Now of course we did not get progressivism, but the majority voted for it. Point is, the battle for ideas has already been won. Now we are in the battle for implementation of progressivism. Obviously, we won't win that battle with the Democrats.
Those of us my age or older knew that Ronald Reagan, and the economic philisophy he brought with him would be the makings of a future disaster. We did not need to be oracles to know that. We just had to possess basic knowledge of human nature, history, math, and logic. Those to me are 4 of the 5 basic tenets of Progressives, the 5th being compassion.
But the American people had to experience 5 steps of evolution since Reagan.
STEP ONE: The experience with supply-side economics, trickle-down, Reaganomics, or whatever the hell you want to call it. From FDR to Jimmy Carter, despite flaws and imperfections, the basic tenets of the NEW DEAL were protected by most politicians. The orchestrated events of the late 70s gave the oligarchs their chance to begin the accelerated dismantling of it.
I personally remember arguing with my fellow factory workers (back when we had factories) over the economic policies of the day. Back then, I was more or less a lone voice in the wilderness while my less informed co-workers embraced "Reaganomics". Its the old "Whats A Matter With Kansas" conflict on how people can be tricked to vote against their own interests.
STEP TWO: The American people by and large, after too many bad experiences with supply-side economics, finally rejected them entirely in 2006 and 2008. This needed to happen: The rejection in the popular mind of a fraudulent economic system.
STEP THREE: The realization of Americans that we live in a two-party duopoly. American Voted for Progressivism, but got the Corporatists that ARE the Democratic Party. Those of us here in the well-informed progressive universe knew this for years. For me, it started with Clinton's support of NAFTA. But the American people by and large maintained hope and faith, however naive, that the Democrats were "Progressive". Finally most people are recognizing Dems for the frauds they are.
STEP FOUR: Dispair and Dissallusionment. There is a silver lining in this. In the past political environments, the American people have switched back and forth. One party in favor, the other out of favor. The party out of power was looked at as the ones that could make things better.
But for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFETIME, there is near universal scorn for both parties AT THE SAME TIME. This has never been a majority view in my memory (and I am old).
The Republicans will win the mid-terms and maybe even the WH in 2012, but not because of their popularity. They always could count on the oligarchs and the crazies, but they are the minority. What will win it for them is the 2006 & 2008 former Democratic voters who will stay home.
The Important Point is that for Progressivism to succeed, there had to be a mass rejection of Democrats. This is the only way forward. The good news is its happened.
STEP FIVE: It may seem that we now live in a time when the oligarchs are ascendant, and its hopeless for the rest of us. But as I said, even looking at things from 1980, we had to reach this point before there can be progress.
Despair is never permanent. Sooner or later, positive action will result. What will make that happen is continued economic degradation of the country.
It won't be easy and we will experience much suffering. Just as in the last progressive revolution, there will have to be a calamity like the Great Depression.
Some of you in posts to other articles despair that the American Public never seems to be "Roused to Action". Why haven't they grabbed their pitchforks and torches by now? When will they storm the Bastille?
Again, history is instructive. We haven't yet sunk as low as other parts of the world where revolutions happened.
Others look longingly at Europe, especially at Greece and France, when governments there try to impose "austerity" measures. One has to remember that the people are taking to the streets to KEEP what they have.
That is why the oligarchs in this country do not want to see any more "entitlements" like Universal Health Care. Once people get an entitlement guaranteed by government, they will fight to keep it. We are no exception.
Medicare and Social Security are prime examples. Neither of those programs, despite the efforts of the oligarchy, have been effectively reduced.
A word about 3rd parties: They are coming. They are coming, because the main obstacle to them has been removed. That obstacle was the belief in most Americans that one party or the other had the answers. That perception is now destroyed.
Now the two-party duopoly will do everything it can to keep "outsider parties" out. They will use legal, legislative, and ELECTRONIC means to keep power. But they lost the people. They are not really for the people themselves, but in the past they kept the electorate fooled into continuing to support them.
All the steps I outlined earlier happened the way I thought they would back in the 1980s. They did not happen because I am some sort of prophet. It was just a clear-headed look at history, human nature, and logic. The script I envisioned is still intact.
To those of you who doubt this, I invite you to look into your crystal balls and say what you THINK will happen in the next two decades (leave your idealogy in the closet and put on your betting hat). I welcome debate on this.