Media Complicity in Financial Crimes
Q: Why are media outlets doing such a bad job covering Wall Street?
A: Could it be, becausse they are owned by Wall Street?
By Danny Schechter, Author of The Crime Of Our Time
When you connect the dots in your writing or look for deeper explanations behind the decisions of policymakers, market makers and media-makers, it's easy to be dismissed as a conspiracy nut.
But forgive me for believing that those who serve interests have more clout than those that just speak out on issues. There are hidden relationships that sometimes predetermine what stories get media attention and which do not.
I have a current film out, Plunder the Crime of our Time, taking on big media companies to task for what passes as coverage of the financial crisis. I have been asking why they weren't paying attention, didn't warn us about it, or investigate too deeply into how it happened.
When I discovered that dodgy lenders and credit card companies pumped more than $3 billion into media advertising, which inflated the housing bubble between 2002 and 2007, I thought I had my answer.