Beck Goes After HuffPost By Showing Off Rally Attendee's Fake Washington Quote T-Shirt
During his first post-Restoring Honor rally show on Monday, Glenn Beck demonstrated the "contempt" of HuffPost by showing his audience some of the photos included in a HuffPost slide show titled Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally: The Most Ridiculous Messages, which showed some of the messages on the clothing and buttons worn by rally attendees.
Beck, of course, in showing how "contemptible" HuffPost is, didn't show the slide show photos of the people in their "Got Tea?" and other Tea Party t-shirts, or the "Give me Liber-TEA," "I Love My Gun," and "Obama's Worst Nightmare" buttons. After all, Beck had insisted that this was not going to be a Tea Party rally, and had asked the attendees to leave their Tea Party and anti-Obama signs at home. And, following the instructions of their leader, they did. They just displayed their Tea Party messages on their persons instead. So, Beck carefully selected a few photos of people merely looking suitably patriotic in their red, white, and blue and rally-themed "Restoring Honor" attire, and then questioned how anyone could possibly think these people were ridiculous.
But the photo that caught my attention was one of the back of someone's t-shirt, which Beck showed twice, saying, "This is a quote from George Washington -- ridiculous."
Well, Mr. Beck, I would never call a quote from George Washington ridiculous, but I will call the one on that t-shirt what it is -- a fake! Your new pal David Barton should be able to tell you all about that, since even he himself tells his followers not to use this quote. Of course, good old David didn't say anything when John Hagee used this same fake quote on your show a while back, although he was also one of your guests that day, and sitting only a few feet from Hagee. So, you might just want to go to your pal David's own website, where he has his list of "Unconfirmed Quotations" -- a list of quotes that he himself tells his website readers to "refrain from using ... until such time that an original primary source may be found." This George Washington quote is #2 on the list.
Now, your pal David will probably say that when he put out his list of taboo quotes over a decade ago, it was merely because he had decided, being such a diligent scholar, to raise the academic standards of his work. But nobody actually buys that. Plain and simple, he got called out by some real historians on some of the bogus quotes that he had used in his 1988 book The Myth of Separation, largely because of Rush Limbaugh's repeated use of one of these bogus quotes. So, he put out his little list of quotes he wasn't going to use anymore, fine tuned many of the other lies from his 1988 book, and put out a new book, Original Intent, that didn't contain those particular quotes. (His new book still contained plenty of misquotes -- just not those particular ones.)