Keep your eyes on the Christian Right’s 2010 Values Voter Summit in two weeks in Washington, DC. The main title for the event is “Rise to the Challenge, Rally to the Cause.” The issues highlighted are “Protect Marriage, Champion Life, Strengthen the Military, Limit Government, Control Spending, Defend Our Freedoms.”
That’s a wish list for the Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Tea Party crowd; but note the order of the issues.
“Protect Marriage” comes first, and that’s the frame for the ongoing Christian Right campaign against basic human rights for gay men, lesbians, and anyone else who lives or supports alternatives to the “traditional” family built around patriarchy and heterosexism.
“Do not open unless you are deeply alarmed by President Obama’s plans for America, read the front of one direct mailing from the Family Research Council (2010). “The Hard-core socialists in control of our country are bent on advancing their damaging agenda regardless of what the American people thinks,” writes Tony Perkins, the group’s President.
According to Perkins, that agenda is “promoting homosexuality, rationing your healthcare, restricting your religious freedom, expanding abortion, and more.”