An excellent deconstruction of Joe the Teabagger at the Anchorage Daily News today. This is long but very revealing and demonstrates why we MUST get Scott McAdams elected here. Another article in today's paper says that the DSCC hasn't yet thrown its monetary support behind McAdams. I'd like to know why not. As this article points out, the national GOP campaign committee is throwing their full support behind Miller.
Joe Miller and the law
Peers give him mixed marks; history challenges his views
During the Republican primary, Joe Miller stressed his military background. He also stressed his experience as a Yale-trained lawyer, a judge and a knowledgeable -- even expert -- interpreter of the Constitution, especially the Founders' original intent. Miller's emphasis on his legal career and Constitutional expertise is unusual in Alaska Senate campaigns. Only two of the seven men and women who have held Senate seats since statehood have been lawyers, Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski. Neither said much about their law degrees, their resumes as lawyers or the Constitution and the Founders.
Miller is more in the tradition of Joe Vogler, founder of the Alaskan Independence Party. Like Miller, Vogler grew up in Kansas, earned a law degree (although he never practiced in Alaska) and hurled rhetorical thunderbolts at the federal government from Fairbanks, his home. Unconstitutional was one of his favorite terms of derision -- along with posy sniffer, directed at environmentalists.
Vogler was a polarizing figure; so is Miller. While his admirers find him self-confident and goal-directed, his detractors, looking at the same man, begin their description of him with one word: arrogant.
Voters have their reasons for voting for or against a candidate. A few Alaskans will never support a lawyer. But most of us want to know what a candidate has done professionally -- lawyer or no -- and what he says about big questions affecting our state -- like the role of the federal government.
Joe Miller has treated the Constitution as his personal property during this campaign. But nobody owns the Constitution, not even a graduate of one of the nation's most prestigious institutions, Yale Law.
Read more: Joe Vogler, the founder of the Alaska Independence Party, is famous for his hatred of the federal government, as this comment points out:
This is a well written op-ed. Carey's comparison of Joe Miller to Joe Vogler got my attention. I can think of a lot of Americans who died for their country that would like to spit some Beechnut in that dude's eye. According to Wikipedia, Vogler is quoted as saying, "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home,’" and, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions." In my opinion, the only difference between Miller and Vogler is Miller is a closet secessionist. We now have another piece of the puzzle.
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