Mr. Boehner, given your penchant for luxury hotels, gourmet dining and exclusive golf resorts (to the tune of over $1 million in campaign cash), your reference to mopping floors in your dad’s bar room as a kid rings a bit hollow this year. But not as hollow as your five-step “plan” to save the economy that you helped wreck with massive, unfunded tax cuts for the super-rich, two unfunded wars and extreme deregulation of Wall Street.
Most people, myself included, want taxes as low as possible and government as small and nonintrusive as possible. We also want paved roads; policed neighborhoods; a strong military; and parents and grandparents who receive the benefits that they earned by paying taxes during a lifetime of hard work. So your claim that we can have these things, cut taxes further and eliminate deficits, all without explaining how to pay for it, is “have your cake and eat it too” politicking.
How do tax cuts and spending freezes alone put machinists and steel workers back to work? We don’t need easy answers that may win you votes but only hurt our country. We need to manufacture things again. And your refusal to acknowledge our need to discover, innovate and lead in emerging industries, like wind turbines, solar panels, and other big ideas, is keeping us from moving forward.
It’s easy to attack a president who’s been on the job for 20 months and took the helm of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. But what have you accomplished for the 8th District after 20 years in Congress? Why don’t you run on your own record? NAFTA, which you voted for, has hobbled American industry. Unemployment in your district has doubled during your tenure and is now above the national average. Numerous companies have left the region and left thousands without work. Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner? Stop blaming others for problems you helped create. Take a break from your 17-state fundraising tour. Return to the district you claim to represent. Face your constituents and make your case for re-election.
Justin Coussoule
Liberty Twp.
(Editor’s note: The letter writer is John Boehner’s Democratic opponent in the November 2010 election.)