Spend One for the Gipper
To best honor the Reagan legacy I propose that the U.S. mint produce two versions of the one-hundred dollar bill. The first version would continue to bear the likeness of that great American Benjamin Franklin (if for no other reason than it might lead some future generation to read his wonderful autobiography and learn of his efforts to reestablish one of his lost fortunes by demonstrating swimming tricks in the Thames, or that he shamed the likes of Bill Gates by refusing to copyright the stove baring his name), while the second version would have the familiar scowling likeness of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
The treasury department could issue the Franklin notes to banks and other institutions engaging in privately funded enterprises, while the Reagan notes would be issued by the treasury department to all recipients of America's military industrial funding. Once issued, both the Reagan and Franklin dollars could be spent anywhere and by anyone, but they would serve as visual markers of the extent to which the American budget is tied to military-corporate subsidies.
Someday, as Reagan Black Budget Dollars flood the economy, we can hear future presidents argue that, they didn't know they were funding death squads, secret wars, or the development of foreign WMD programs or the subversion of elections-and all will be forgiven and forgotten with the utterance of Reagan's magic words.