As a Union Carpenter, I only experienced this once, as a result of ChoicePoint Inc. "false" background checks. Now as a disabled person, trying to find a job, I realize part of the problem.
It is totally legal and a mandatory practice for most employers (few now) to run a credit check on potential employees. How can a person, jobless (and the national average is almost 1 year for finding a "new job") have a decent credit score after surviving our economy? The result? Only if you have good credit are you deemed worthy of a job interview. In other words, this is just another tool to repress the economically suffering people. This should be an illegal practice, immediately. How many civil rights losses and injustices will Americans tolerate before they (we) revolt? These new (?) practices, if not designed to, definitely have the impact of, keeping the "poor" in their same situation. What so many do not realize is that the longer our economy is shit, the more, previously middle class, Americans will suffer at the hands of these legal hiring practices. Not only are people in America discriminated against because of disabilities (companies will not hire people who might cause their insurance rates to increase) but they are also discriminating (legally) because people whose credit is crap through no fault of their own. It is mostly because of the scams of the banksters, of course we bailed them out and kept them wealthy, and the outsourcing of jobs to profit from slave labor. We are compounding the obstacles to any type of employment recovery and creating a permanent class of "unemployable" Americans. All of this is done legally. As the,once, middle class, spiral through this corporate created economy and become jobless and not credit worthy, it will happen to them also. It will just swell the ranks of the impoverished, hopeless.