Climate change crisis 'can be solved by oil companies'
By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor in Lyon
Monday, 27 September 2010
Climate change can be solved in a snap by making oil, gas and coal companies take responsibility for burying all the carbon dioxide emitted by the fossil fuel products they sell, one of Britain's leading young climate scientists said yesterday.
Government attempts to try to get millions of people to change their behaviour through taxes and incentives were doomed to fail, said Dr Myles Allen, head of the Climate Dynamics Group at the University Oxford, and an increasingly influential voice in the climate debate.
It would be much more efficient, he said, simply to make all producers of carbon-based fuels accountable for the disposal of the carbon dioxide their fuels ultimately give off, as a condition of remaining in business. Successful climate change policy would involve less government, not more.
Dr Allen put his proposal forward in a debate on the politics of climate change at the Sustainable Planet forum in Lyon, the environmental conference co-sponsored by The Independent and the French newspaper Libération, where he was sparring with the former French Environment Minister and leader of the French Green Party, Dominique Voynet.