Source: the heavyweight champions are The Manchurian President: Barack Obama’s Ties to Communists, Socialists and other Anti-American Extremists, by Aaron Klein, and Barack Obama’s Plan to Socialize America and Destroy Capitalism, by R. Prescott.
Klein, a polemical journalist based in Jerusalem, launched the idea of Obama as Manchurian candidate, a hollow figure promoted by the “anti American fringe nexus instrumental in building his political career”, and the “top Czars with Communist links” in the White House, who include Obama’s political strategist and former campaign manager David Axlerod.
Prescott takes things a little further. He paints Obama as “a revolutionary agent saboteur (and an unconstitutionally certified "president") destroying our free America of Sovereign Citizens, to transform it into a globally controlled society”.
These serve as the hymnals of the hallelujah chorus to the media prophets of the Tea Party, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and their friends on the right of the Republican Party. They sell to a burgeoning audience seeping from the fringes into the political mainstream. Glenn Back reaches two million viewers a day and is the Oprah Winfrey Book Club of the loony right.
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Two years ago Barack Obama was mainly admired. If the type of hateful propaganda pedaled by the likes of O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, Levin, Krauthammer, Ingraham and others was as virulent as it now is, Obama could not have been elected. I believe the racist hatemongers did not then believe Barack Obama had a real chance to be elected President of the United States, so they were unprepared and hesitant to attack this good man as virulently as they have been doing since the election.
I am sick and tired of hearing the right wing idiots calling our President a Socialist. I believe Democrats made a mistake by not trying to get the Fairness Doctrine reinstated in the broadcasting media.