Seriously, the last two years around here at DU have been tough. Circular firing squads everywhere. The-mods-have-banned-"pony"-so-now-we-need-to-find-a-new-way-to-putdown-them-we-disagree-with. The "constructive criticism only" crowd versus the "freedom of speech" crowd. The "ideological integrity" caucus versus the "pragmatic compromise" caucus. The demonization of every POV that varied from our notions of What Is Right And Proper For Progressives. Or even What IS Progressive Officially And Everything Else Is The Dark Side.
Frankly, I was getting tired of it.
I'm feeling like a kid given permission to bounce on the 'rents' bed and throw pillows and stay up late. Woo-HOOO! We have LOTS to agree on, now! And an ENDLESS supply of eminently mockable targets we can jump on, kick around (metaphorically-- after all, we are not the Head-Stomping Party,) stand in the pillory of intelligent scrutiny, and otherwise derive delicious and unifying pleasure from.
It's more than that, of course.
We have an opportunity, here. We have two years, starting now, to ORGANIZE. And the best part is, we don't even have to organize around, or "for," anything that requires us all to agree. What this last election cycle has taught us (if we're smart enough to learn from it,) is that all we really have to do is organize AGAINST a vulnerable target. If we do a good job of raising money, collecting dirt, attaching blame and baggage, and otherwise weakening already eminently beatable candidates, we can run anyone, ANYONE... Gumby, fer chrissakes. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. My cat, Fisbin. ANYBODY, against those targets, and drop them.
It's a (again, strictly metaphorical) shootin' gallery and the range is five yards and we're loaded with .50 caliber ammo and the targets are ten feet high and wide. We can't effing miss.
Unless, of course, we're more concerned with continuing the circular firing squads, intramural squabbles, I'm-right-and-if-we'd-done-it-my-way-everything-woulda-been-fine Monday morning quarterbacking, etc.
Is it important to learn from mistakes, find really GOOD candidates for the next cycle, etc.? Sure it is. But it isn't nearly as important and effective as learning from the Baggers' and the GOPpies' success: You can run a busted household appliance for office and win, if you can sufficiently vilify your opponent, manufacture insubstantial but hideously damaging-sounding charges against them, bang those drums relentlessly, RELENTLESSLY AND INCESSANTLY, and get enough people pissed off at them.
If we let this opportunity go by, we deserve to lose in 2012. They've shown us how to do it. Then they offered us way, way, WAY bigger, better, juicier targets than we could begin to imagine, to apply the strategy.
I dunno about y'all, but no one has to slap me upside the head with a big wet fish twice to get a point across.
Point taken.
My keyboard is locked and loaded.
Targets acquired.
AND we're smarter than they are, we're all up on teh intertubes way better, and there are way more of us.
ahhhh... it's good to be back on the offense, dammit.
"Yooooooooo-hooo.... Mister BONE-ER!!!"
evilly, Bright