Edited on Fri Nov-05-10 10:20 AM by Mr. Mustard
Man I wish this were true, but think about it.
If there were those who wanted to bring back slavery, remove the women's right to vote, civil rights and so on, and now they want to take us back to the 1950's then they are not dying off and will not go away. They were there then, they are here now so they will be here later.
Frankly, I believe the opposite because of the current tools on the Supreme Court. They are radical and after Citizen's United and Bush v. Gore they have proven they will do whatever they can to allow the rabid-right to do whatever they want.
Citizen's United allows unlimited money, Fox propaganda channel allows any type of hate speech and edited videos and distortions, the religiously insane on the Texas school board has altered history with a slant towards Christianity.
People, they are NOT going to die off- We are in a battle and we are losing. Even when we win something we lose, as in health care reform. The biggest giveaway to corporations in history, yet not good enough. We GAVE control of our nation's health to them, but with a few humane rules and they STILL fight it.
The difference from FDR to Clinton and Obama is Fox Republican Channel, and the internet and very, very good Madison Ave. marketing tools.
Lastly, I was at an election party for Measure 74 in Oregon Tuesday night. Pro-dispensaries for medical marijuana. We lost by 165,000 votes. But that is not the message:
My message is that EVERY SINGLE patient in that office that night "hated Obama". They all stand to benefit from the HCR, the stimulus, all the acts of Congress under Obama but the right wing noise machine has them convinced Obama is bad.
They were poor and sick people, with virtually nothing "debating" me that Obama was bad for business in America and took away their choices for health care. The very talking points of the noise machine!
Then, they complained that their lives sucked because they have no money and no chances for employment! Augggh! How do we explain to them they are being dupped?
Have you tried to tell a person "less capable" they are being manipulated? They will hate you because you dare suggest they are able to be manipulated!
It permeates our society. The same thing they did to President Clinton, they are doing to President Obama.
I am not saying we have lost forever, but I am saying that the next decade is critical for control of the country and we are in danger of losing.
If they get rid of public schools, we become a theocracy of sorts, allow the corporations to buy (even more) our Congress, and the banks too big to fail who hate Democrats then we are dumbing down the masses so much that soccer moms will not be able to make good decisions, let alone the tea baggers.
This is dangerous and to say the old will die off, but yet say they have been around every generation is contradictory.
We must use the tools we have, money, internet, people power. We must disagree publicly every time a wingnut lies and spews their hate. We must teach our children early, early what is going on and that a theocratic oligarchy will take us back to the dark ages.
We must move our money out of the big banks, and organize, organize, organize and support progressives.
I don't know how we can win this, and I am afraid it will get worse before it gets better, but we are entering the most dangerous time in our history since 1929. It is not 1933, nor 1994, the game has changed significantly.
People, all the candidates who were for net-neutrality lost and you know why? Because if the "government were to force the bandwidth providers to allow equal access to all information, that would be taking away our "freedom of the market". Got that? See the irony? See the danger? The net is all we have left, and they are about to control it, and the "less capable" are fighting for less freedom, in the name of freedom!
The masses are already brainwashed. The "free market" collapsed again in 2008, and "socialism" saved it again, yet do you hear any casual observer recognize that? No, you hear them defending the American way of enterprise, and what do we get from it? Home foreclosures, a depression and natural gas "fracking".
I thought we had won the hearts and minds of the people about our environment but they are now pumping toxins into our water supply. Tell me it is changing.
Finally, does anyone have any ideas on how to fight this tidal wave of business interests taking over our country? Please, I am sincere, how do we combat this?
President Obama DID "message" this election, but did you hear it? Probably not because the corporate media leans to the right. I bet you heard Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh's messages though.