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Moral Relativism: It's Not Just For Liberals Anymore

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SeveneightyWhoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 01:19 PM
Original message
Moral Relativism: It's Not Just For Liberals Anymore
Moral Relativism: It's Not Just For Liberals Anymor

June 15 2004
Scott C. Smith

Moral relativism is a concept that right-wingers frequently accuse liberals of. Basically it's living life not governed by the rules of morality; making up the rules as you go along. Conservatives seem to think that only they live their lives based on a strict code of morals and ethics. Which is simply not true. Sean Hannity is a great example of hypocrisy on this issue.

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myopic4141 Donating Member (309 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-15-04 07:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. Moral relativism vs hypocrisy.
The two should not be confused. Hypocrisy "is the pretense to adhere to set of principles" whereas moral relativism is "a set of circumstantial principles". The former implies that an absolute truth of behavior has been established; but, is not being adhered to whereas the later states that a principle only applies under certain circumstances. Hypocrisy fits Sean Hannity like a fine glove perfectly made for him. A better example outside of Shrubby (the ultimate of hypocrites) cannot be found. However, moral relativism does not even come close to covering either of these individuals. The introduction of moral relativism can be found in Senator Inhofe's statement of "the level of outrage about the outrage" during the Abu Graib hearings where US torture should be more acceptable because it is not as bad as Saddam's torture. It is the lesser of two evils approach that makes for moral relativism. Shrubby, Hannity, and company all adhere to the principle that torture is unacceptable; therefore, create euphemisms to hide what they are doing. Inhofe showed no such willingness to hide the truth. It is evident from his statement that torture is acceptable under certain circumstances which makes him a moral relativist.
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