When it comes to budget deficits, one thing is clear about the Teabagggers and their allies. They don’t have the slightest idea about federal spending or revenues.
All they know is that the budget is out of control.
They have a notion that it if we just eliminate waste, fraud, foreign aid and welfare, along with throwing in another tax cut, we could balance the budget. They have some impression that the cure for deficit spending carries no pain for them
Ignorance is bliss.
The basic numbers are these:
In FY 2009 we took in $2.1 trillion and spend $3.5 trillion. A deficit of $1.4 trillion.
Here’s a scary thought. These numbers understate the deficit.
Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we started counting Social Security tax revenue as part of general revenue to make the deficits seem smaller.
Because of unusually low interest rates, the national debt is temporarily less than half of what it ordinarily is.
It is worse than you thought.
What are we to do?
We Need To Cut Social Security
The first thing we need to do is eliminate the word “ENTITLEMENT” from our vocabulary.
It carries with it the notion that Medicare, Social Security, etc. are enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Maybe they also are part of The Law of Gravity?
Running for the Senate, Charlie Crist demagogued that Marco Rubio was going to raise the age to collect full Social Security from 66 to 70. Rubio called it a lie.
The responsible truth is that, along with at least a 10-year freeze on increases, we need to quickly raise the age to received full Society Security to 70.
Bring On The Death Panels
We need to tell Medicare recipients we’re broke.
We can’t spend tens of thousands on dialysis for a 92-year-old woman with full blown dementia. We need to close down expensive care for the thousands in a vegetative state. One Terri Schiavo is one too many.
We need death panels.
Nobody is stopping a family from spending their own money to keep to keep the brain dead alive. Just don’t keep spending my money to get over your own guilt.
Cut Overpriced Defense Programs
We need to completely revise the Defense budget. Between 2001and 2009, it grew from $250 billion to $782 billion.