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The White Backlash Has Arrived – Bring on the Black Is Back Coalition!

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 07:01 PM
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The White Backlash Has Arrived – Bring on the Black Is Back Coalition!
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

The Tea Party branch of the Republican Party rode a roaring white backlash to victory, last week, but American society is denied the language – and permission of corporate media – to discuss the phenomenon. Ironically, the relative silence on race is a result of the Civil Rights Movement having “succeeded in fully euphemizing white political speech.” As a consequence, “a conspiracy of white-washed language seeks to obscure the growing threat.” The Black Is Black Coalition defies the white-washers of reality, this weekend, with a rally and march on the White House.

The White Backlash Has Arrived – Bring on the Black Is Back Coalition!

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

“We have been instructed that race is passé, therefore, even when race is clearly central, it must be pushed to margins.”

Racism and political “conservatism” have always been inextricably intertwined in the United States. Slaveholder interests intent on spreading their system of human bondage through relentless expansion of U.S. borders were the military “hawks” and social “conservatives” of their day, and the pattern has held into the present. Andrew Jackson’s early 1800s hyper-aggressive white nationalism is easily recognizable in modern American right-wing domestic and foreign policy. American (white) “Manifest Destiny” was the proudly proclaimed energizing principle of the United States deep into the 20th century. The U.S., these “patriots” believed, was both the heir and epitome of all of Western “civilization” that came before. America’s Anglo-Saxon stock was divinely commissioned to subdue the darker and heathen races of the continent and, later, the world.

With successive waves of European immigration, the definition of “white” became more elastic, so that by the turn of the 20th century the United States had become “the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and re-forming!” Israel Zangwill’s 1908 play, which gave us the cliché, made no mention of the Black and brown and red and yellow races that were crushed underfoot and ground into liquid capital by the white juggernaut. Their subjugation, enslavement, displacement and extermination was the price of white civilization – and well paid!

“Dixiecrat arch-segregationists became simply ‘conservative’ Republicans.”

More than half a century later, the Civil Rights Movement succeeded in fully euphemizing white political speech, so that howling racists like South Carolina’s Strom Thurmond came to be described in popular media as “conservatives.” Dixiecrat arch-segregationists – who had only yesterday proudly labeled themselves such, claiming to be champions of white civilization – became simply “conservative” Republicans. With Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy,” white voters followed their Dixicrat leaders into the Republican Party. Conservatism, more than ever – and more than anything else – meant conserving white privilege.

The Tea Party branch of Republicanism wants to take “their” country “back” to a whiter day. Their electoral triumphs, last week, are the fruits of a fevered white backlash. But the civil rights movement forced racist language to go underground, replaced by code words and white-washed terminology that attempt to obscure that which is raging all around us. Ironically, Black reporters for the corporate media assimilate the euphemisms and regurgitate them back at us, further clouding public vision.
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-10-10 08:53 PM
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1. I'm Afraid White is the New Black
After all, the poor white Xtian males have been put below every other demographic....:sarcasm:
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