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WikiLeaks Ban or Global Secrecy Act?

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 11:04 AM
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WikiLeaks Ban or Global Secrecy Act?
By D.H. Kerby
November 11, 2010

Sen. John Ensign, a Nevada Republican, has proposed amending the Espionage Act specifically to target WikiLeaks and other media organizations that “publish the name” of anyone “helping in our efforts against terrorism.”

In so doing, Ensign gives legislative expression to a firestorm of criticism against WikiLeaks emanating from the U.S. defense and intelligence establishments and also from many in the American mainstream press.

However, given that WikiLeaks is an international news organization, Ensign’s proposal also raises the specter of some kind of global secrecy act that would criminalize any media outlet that discloses the name of anyone who has collaborated with U.S. intelligence agencies or the U.S. military anywhere in the world, regardless of the context.

Ensign’s idea is particularly breathtaking because during the long Cold War and today’s “war on terror,” many collaborators with the CIA and other U.S. agencies have been linked to drug trafficking, human rights abuses, military coups and even terrorism. Presumably, under Ensign’s plan, journalists around the world would face prosecution for making those connections.
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asjr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 11:19 AM
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1. John Ensign--It proves if one is a Republican
you can cat around with a friend's wife, get your parents to shell out gobs of money to try and keep everyone quiet, and still get up and show your stupidity like this. But Republicans are allowed to do this. They never pay any price for stupidity. I will now go throw up!
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