From Craig Barnes via Buzzflash: seems to be a constant series of examples in history that reflect what we are living through this week: from Psistratus in Athens to Caesar in Rome to the Duke of Lancaster in 15th-century England to Napoleon to Lenin and Hitler and now to Karl Rove, a multitude of fellows have harnessed populist outrage to their own carriage in order to seize power. That outrage, changing the metaphor, flows into the furious stream into which Boehner and McConnell and Palin launched their boats last night.
But something there is that doesn't love a Caesar, that turns the current to upend its own children and that brings the passionate opportunist down. Something happens to Leninism which of a sudden drowns in its own lies. Or something happens that flips the boat of Dick Cheney on his way to take Teheran.
We might therefore want to speculate about what are the forces that bring about such collapse, and in my mind there are two dependable forces working in our favor. Both are built into the nature of life on earth and are not ephemeral. Both are immutable and therefore reliable. Only the timing of when these factors will come into play is unknown. Only the year of the collapse of the Soviet Union was unknown; its eventual failure was always a certainty. Only the collapse of the myths justifying the Iraq invasion or the delusion of collateralized mortgages were unknown; their ultimate failure was inevitable.
The first dependable poison for the demagogue is that compassion is built into the genetic code. It comes with the species package. ...Then comes the wide-awake reply:
Submitted by godblessfdr on Sun, 11/14/2010 - 10:22am.
While you say truth can bring down tyranny,I laugh at this.I am the most honest person i know and do believe truth should be at the core of our values.The Nazi's were as brainwashed as Americans today and it was weapons not truth that brought them down.Evolution has been proven true for over 150 years yet most Americans don't believe in truth.Since this country was founded in 1776,the rich have said give us everything we want and you will be prosperous.Predator capitalism has been proven wrong time after time yet people would rather believe lies.The only time truth wins out is when you have fanatical leaders who will lead you to the water and make you drink.We in America have run out of real leaders like that. Compassion,your second base.When i see Republicans sending business to sweat shops and promoting slavery again and millions of Republicans cheering them on,I wonder where is the compassion.When i see millions without decent health care,I ask where is the compassion.When i see Americas killing a million Iraq's and i see us proudly waving our flags,while we steal their oil,I ask where is the compassion.Compassion extends to our families,a survival instinct but I fail to see the compassion exhibited to mankind again unless we have leaders to explain to most of the brain dead,uncaring populace why we need compassion.