The best had been to trown out every known CIA opperative in Norway, who are not norwigian by birth that is.. And to prosecute the one who ARE from Norway from spying on their own... The worst part of it all, is that "forreign intelligence opperatives" have worked with retired Police, some rather up in the ranks, with inside knowlegd about how police in norway opperate, and therefore have maybe given CIA inside information, not meant for CIA at all.. Some of the opperatives we know about, is old police officers, many with many years behind them in the force, and who when they was retired from Police was requited to spy on norwgians, taking pictures, and even add some document to the face if nessesary.. And even tho not mutch is known about the whole affair, as it was blow up TV2 news it was rather fast covered over, even tho it have been disqused in news articles ever since by many who is in the "know" about this matters... Of course not details, but the broad road have been disqussed for many weeks now, and would posible be disgused for weeks, maybe years in the future, we like to disguss a case to near death, and then deside what to do with it all..
US is in the wrong when they are spying on norwgians, just becouse they are using THEIR right, to demostrate against thing they know or belive is wrong. As the demostrations against the Iraqi war in 2002/03, when I myself also demostrated against it, it was a calm demostration, in fact rather friendly, with estimated more than 60.000 pepole of all ages.. From old men and woman, to young kids and parents with children on their back. But I also notised a lot of peopole who was taking pictures and not everyone looked as they was there becouse of the "news worthy" thing.. i suspect a lot of police, and intelligence organisations, both home breed and forreign was taking pictures that day.. And I also was seeing a cople of police out. But the demostration was peacefully, and we never was seeing the hard front of the authoritys that day.. Even tho it was the largest demostration in Norway since the end of world war two..
It was indeed up in Pen and Teller the other day, that many millions of americans was in prison, for longer times, than ever before, and mostly becouse of non-violent crimes.. It is wierd from my wiewpoint, to see the numbers, when US claim to be the land of the free, the land of the brave.. And then you put more people into prison than Red China ever do.. Even tho China have a population many times larger than US... And in many states in US, if you have had a prison time, you are not egible to ever vote in elections, and therefore can never get your voice heard again. And have to live by, on work, that is appealing to say at least, and often end up in the prison system, becouse it is to easy to end up there again...
I hope our democracy can surive this also, I think our system is far more stabile and solid than say US for the moment, we have not the same form of fear from "the others" for the most part.. And also, we do not have your nutcases in the politic.. We had a few clowns in the 1990s, they was by the end of 1998, out of our Parlament, and have never managed to get into any office regional or national ever since... And they was indeed really nut cases too, but compared to the US, they are sane as a winter day..
I guess it is beocouse, most of our "nut cases" wil end up in a mental ward, or given medicine and a close follow up by our healt care sytem for the most part, so they are no danger to themself, and to others... And a lot of your right wingers, is indeed in need of both a mental ward, and medical help...