As more of us realize that this nation, yes this nation, is dedicated to destroying honest democracy and installing corporate rape coups here and abroad, the economic elite will fight back even harder. The disgusting Goebbels of today, Rupert Murdoch and his lackeys will step up the fear mongering.
Simply put, what we all see now with more clarity than ever, is that where it matters most democracy is subverted for corporate dominance. This is done here in the USA as well as fostered around the world by economic terrorists within the ranks of the US intelligentsia acting to install the private raping and abuse of public asserts wherever possible and under the most distressing social conditions possible. This is a US history that reaches back many decades and can be uncovered with moderate effort. (See The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein and/or Noam Chomsky for starters)
The danger is not the USA itself but the infestation of the Constitutional Democracy of the US by powerful corporate interests. The deck is stacked against public participation in our governance and democracy world wide. Democracies represent the will of the people and that has to be stopped. Only if that “will” is massaged, distorted and manufactured through corporate propaganda can it be allowed to stand, if not only in appearance. Market dogma and blind faith in the benevolence of greed is the supreme aim of the usurpers. If we look at the behavior of this two party charade over the last two decades we can detect the increased transparency of this goal.
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