BREAKING NEWS: Republicans are having a Victory Party
The huge event to be held on an island getaway in the Caribbean is expected to include over 3,000 Republicans and cost $200 million a day. Funding sources have not been divulged. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and presumptive House Speaker John Boehner have made no public comments on the agenda but McConnell has already said that the Republican Party’s priority for the next two years is to oust the President in the 2012 elections. Boehner has expressed similar goals.
Some top officials in the islands say that over 850 rooms have been reserved in five star hotels and wealthy islanders have offered to put up party goers that cannot find accommodations. Las Vegas acts and right wing comedians will be performing live and on stage. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachmann and Fox News celebrities will be featured speakers.
Sound familiar? It should, because this is exactly the ruse Republicans used to spread false information about the President’s trip to Asia. Pouncing on unverified information from an unnamed “top official” in one of the Indian states, they presented it as real news and used it to smear the President.
Responsible news organizations immediately cast doubt on the story; and almost all of them condemned it outright. The Administration and the Department of Defense called the information “comical” and grossly exaggerated. Of course many more people heard the Republican lies broadcast by Fox than the truth broadcast by responsible media.
Michelle Bachmann on CNN: “Well I think we know that just within a day or so, the President of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day. He’s taking two thousand people with him. He’ll be renting out over 870 rooms in India. And these are 5-star hotel rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel. This is the kind of over-the-top spending; it’s a very small example, Anderson.”
Rush Limbaugh on his radio program: - “You have a guy and a family who thinks this nation owes ’em…This is somebody that says, ‘It’s my turn. my turn, our turn to get what has been denied us all these years.’ It’s not just “the affirmative action” presidency, as some folks on the far right have called President Obama—it’s the President as welfare queen, living it up on the taxpayers’ dime, motivated by a sense of revenge.”
Sean Hannity on Fox: “Details about the outrageous accommodations being made for the President are beginning to emerge, including this: All of the coconuts hanging from the palm trees around Gandhi’s memorial house were removed from the trees in advance of the President’s visit, presumably so they wouldn’t fall on his head.”
Glenn Beck on his radio program: Beck lamented that it will cost "$2 billion for ten days so Obama can go see the festival of lights." (festival celebrating the beginning of the Hindu new year, usually accompanied by fireworks)
Posted on Ron Paul’s Website, “The Daily Paul”: “As if what has already been disclosed was not ridiculous enough, now a bomb-proof, air-conditioned tunnel is to be installed by the military in only one hour. I could not make this stuff up if I tried. I believe the $200 million per day needs to be revised upward. Now we are talking about $5 billion per day ! This Peace-Prize Laureate likes warmongering toys. -- He will also be protected by a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier.”
Republicans and Fox News used unreliable and unconfirmed information for the sole purpose of attacking the President and then shrugged when confronted by legitimate news organizations.
Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck knew what they were saying would resonate with a popular racist perception that black people are not used to having perks usually reserved for white people and react in comical ways when they do. There has always been a sense of empowerment in the Republican Party to treat this President differently than other presidents. With a decisive election victory this has translated into a mandate to treat Obama as unworthy of the dignity normally associated with the office of President. In the case of Michelle Bachmann, her craving to take advantage of an opportunity to ingratiate herself to the extremist wing of her party meant more to her than being ethical.
This dirty trick is symptomatic of the relative political strength of the parties. Expect more of the same.
Democrats lack the political fire power they had in 2009: Citizens United will likely give Republicans an edge in raising money and they have a much more effective way to project their message. Fox and Rush handle things on the air and superstars Palin and Bachmann draw huge crowds. Unruly as it may be, they can still count on the Tea Party to get out the vote and, if necessary, to break up town hall meetings.
The President’s political capital is also at a low: In 2009 he had the support of Democrats who road his coattails into office. That is hardly the case today. Before the midterms, he was able to use his majorities to push legislation through Congress. That too is gone.
At the same time, his natural allies, Progressives, are wavering in their support. Apathy among the rest of his base is widespread: Hispanics are mad because he did not introduce immigration legislation, gays are upset that DADT has not moved faster, women seem disenchanted and even African Americans are unenthusiastic.
Republicans are not through with Democrats yet. Having trounced them in the election they are going for the jugular in 2012. Thirty three Senate seats will be up for election and Democrats will have to defend 23 of them including two held by Independents that vote with them. If the Tea Party and Palin are as powerful then as now, Democrats could be out of business altogether.
Those who want to move on from this last dirty trick to more current news are empowering Republicans to do the same thing again and again.
Unless lessons are learned and changes are made, Democrats are in for another two years of death by a thousand cuts. With their political prospects on life support, Democrats cannot afford to keep losing skirmishes and expect to one day win the war.
Ideally Progressives should meet in a gigantic stadium somewhere and decide to form a more cohesive political force while maintaining the individuality of thought we all cherish.
The first order of business would be to change the paradigm of writing articles intended mostly to influence office holders to one that focuses on influencing the general public. The second would be a commitment to back up whatever we say in print with action in the field, be it carrying signs at protests or whatever.
My political awareness has matured into a desire for political activism – spurred on by the dirty tricks and racism I see in the opposition to President Obama. But I know that in order for things to happen, we need leadership, resources and a plan. While I cannot supply any of these things, I hope that other, wiser and younger voices will be heard that can.
As another demonstration of my naiveté, would the owners of the many excellent Progressive websites be willing to take a leadership position? Perhaps forming a loose federation of web sites that would provide a foundation for a more comprehensive organization as consensus among members is reached.
Even if this never gets off the ground it could give us a more powerful tool to get the Progressive message into the hands of everyday Americans across the country - and boots on the ground where needed.
Jack Blackshear Jack.blackshear@yahoo.com