Reuters via NewsDaily United States faces a major threat in the future from cyber technologies that will require civil-military coordination to shield networks from attack, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Tuesday.
Gates said the U.S. military had made considerable progress protecting its own sites and was working with its private-sector partners "to bring them under that umbrella."
"The key is the only defense that the United States has against nation-states and other potential threats in the cyber-world is the National Security Agency," Gates said, referring to the super-secretive Defense Department arm that shields national security information and networks, and intercepts foreign communications. "You cannot replicate the National Security Agency for domestic affairs. There isn't enough money. There isn't enough time. And there isn't enough human talent."
Last month, President Barack Obama's administration announced steps to allow greater cooperation between the NSA and the Department of Homeland Security. That includes stationing the DHS' privacy, civil liberties and legal personnel at the NSA.