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Rep Kucinich to challenge Rep, Issa:@ Govt. Operations Cmte..

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cyclezealot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-18-10 06:26 AM
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Rep Kucinich to challenge Rep, Issa:@ Govt. Operations Cmte..
Issa is our so called Congressman. We'll assure he plays dirty. He'll be chair of Government Operations and will turn the committee into a facial , circus whose mission is to investigate in a witch hunt manner- all things Democrat.
Rep. Kucinich suggests the present chair , Rep. Towns is much too mild mannered for this challenge.. I agree.
The Democrats let Issa not face a strong counterpart , he'll dance about the Dems ' like a spinning top..
Anyone who watched Kuchinich question witnesses before his committee know he has a lawyer , steel trap kind of mind..
Nothing against Rep. Towns, but.. Strong leadership is needed to stop the witch hunt..

Issa Pushes Anti-Obama Message on Panel’s SiteBy Paul Singer
Roll Call Staff
....n theory, Members of Congress who post videos to their official websites are bound by the same rules that govern taxpayer-funded mail pieces: no overtly political or partisan messages, no mention of elections, no solicitation of support for legislation or a candidate.
But Rep. Darrell Issa appears to have figured out the print rules do not really apply to video.
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cyclezealot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-18-10 06:28 AM
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1. Kucinich Confirms Oversight Run, Says Issa Is 'Reckless'
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) sent his colleagues a letter on Wednesday confirming that he is seeking the post of ranking member of the House Committee for Oversight and Government Reform.

Also in the running for the ranking member position is current House Oversight Committee Chairman Ed Towns (D-NY). Towns has faced criticism from fellow Democrats who don't think he would be a strong enough counterweight to Issa. The White House, however,
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