War On Dissent Town Hall; Documenting a failed and dangerous US intelligence network (Videos)
By Cheryl Biren
For OpEdNews: Cheryl Biren - WriterPlease assist us in keeping the information provided in the PIB to those having a valid need-to-know; it should only be disseminated via closed communications systems. Thanks for your support. We want to continue providing this support to the Marcellus Shale Formation natural gas stakeholders while not feeding those groups fomenting dissent against those same companies.
James F. Powers, Jr. | Director
Office of Homeland Security
Excerpt from an email by Jim Powers, former director of Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security mistakenly sent to a critic of gas drilling in Pennsylvania.
The "support" Powers was referring to was intelligence information provided by the Institute for Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR), a private Philadelphia/Jerusalem based company that received a $103,000 no-bid contract from the PA Office of Homeland Security. ITRR boasts that its "Analyst team is comprised of the leading experts in terrorism and international security," and that "Intelligence is gathered by multi-language and Arab native-language who have previously served in security and armed forces positions in the war on international and domestic terror."
However, the "intelligence" provided to Homeland Security in Pennsylvania by ITRR was comprised almost exclusively of reports on activities and events organized by political (from anti-tax Tea Party groups to anti-war organizers), environmental, LGBTQ and animal rights activists who challenged the government and private sector interests.
While researching the bulletins first made available in September, this writer discovered that her false arrest stemming from OEN reporting of a protest in September 2009 was cited and blatantly manipulated in four separate intelligence bulletins. It appears that the purpose of this manipulation was to create unnecessary alarm among local authorities and military contractors by alerting them to the potential presence of "radical elements" from "local Communist and/or Anarchist groups" at otherwise peaceful anti-war vigils.