via AlterNet:
The Loop 21 /
By Dr. C. Alonzo PetersTo Hell With Student Loans -- It's Time for College to be Free
Tough problems often demand radical solutions. We should give serious consideration to providing free college and trade school education to all.November 18, 2010 | Perhaps we should be more like the Europeans. When something outrageous or irrational happens within their government the people are ready to hit the streets in protest. In France they'll shut down whole cities to get their point across to elected officials.
In the United States we just grin and bear it. And so we've suffered under a system where a college education -- the key to a better life, rapidly skyrockets causing more of us to assume unmanageable debt. For the first time in history, we Americans owe more on our student loans than we do on our credit cards. The average college graduate today now finds herself with $24,000 of education related debt.
Those of us hounded mercilessly by Sallie Mae understand what it's like to work as peasants on Queen Sallie's fiefdom handing over our hard earned money harvest to service her majesty. Student loans muscle out entertainment, transportation and even food and rent for limited budget space.
But those of us with a college degree may be the lucky ones. With grant aid drying up, budget problems forcing states to increase tuition costs, and a Great Recession college has simply become unattainable for many. In a survey nearly 47 percent of parents feel they can no longer afford to send their children to college. Many will resort to raiding their retirement accounts to pay college costs. .............(more)
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