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The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir

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Stuart G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 10:49 AM
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The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir
Edited on Mon Nov-22-10 11:27 AM by Stuart G
Huffington Post..

Dan Froomkin
(at Huff Post)..First Posted: 11-22-10 09:53 AM | Updated: 11-22-10 10:33 AM

WASHINGTON -- These days, when we think of George W. Bush, we think mostly of what a horrible mess he made of the economy. But his even more tragic legacy is the loss of our moral authority, and the transformation of the United States of America from global champion of human rights into an outlaw nation.

History is likely to judge Bush most harshly for two things in particular: Launching a war against a country that had not attacked us, and approving the use of cruel and inhumane interrogation techniques.

And that's why the two most essential lies -- among the many -- in his new memoir are that he had a legitimate reason to invade Iraq, and that he had a legitimate reason to torture detainees.....continued

This long read, very worthwhile, is proof, proof positive that Bush is a liar of the worst kind.
In it are references from Bush's own team, that these are awful
lies. And these references are noted as to when and where..Very familiar names prove that Bush lies again..
.. It is a story of an arrogant person, not confronted by anyone directly.
In this book, and on his tour Bush continues to lie. The main stream media does not make him refute these truths, but it is here...for anyone who wants it. Froomkin does the nation a service here. In his report, there is the truth about Bush's worst lies.
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no_hypocrisy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 10:52 AM
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1. War Criminal
Keep it simple.
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