If the Christmas shopping season can start before Thanksgiving, so can "bah humbug" season.
Rush Limbaugh tried to rain on Barack Obama's Thanksgiving Day parade, lashing out against a proclamation issued by the president to honor the national holiday and the story behind it.
He also went on the war path against Native Americans, calling for a look at the "scoreboard" of number of people killed since European settlers arrived, and insisting that "a bunch of Native Americans scammed us" in the deal to purchase Manhattan.
As found in the show's transcript, Limbaugh interprets Obama's version of events:
"We were the invaders. The Indians are minding their own business. We were incompetent idiots. We didn't know how to feed ourselves. So they came along and showed us how, and that's what Thanksgiving is all about. Now, he says nothing about the Constitution in his Thanksgiving proclamation, because he's got a problem with it ... Every cliche that is wrong about Thanksgiving shows up in his proclamation. . . "
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/25/rush-limbaugh-obama-thanksgiving_n_788515.htmlAren't you so very proud of yourself to be this shithead's enabler, Sir Elton John?!?