(edited for copyright purposes proud patriot Moderator Democratic Underground)
The war in Afghanistan is about perpetual war, not Afghanistan.
It's about preventing democracy in the United States, not bringing it to Southwest Asia.
And it is the tombstone of the Obama Presidency.
To justify the fight, they've rounded up the usual suspects: Terror. Oil. Minerals. Poppies. Democracy.
But George Orwell's 1984 -- now updated with important new books -- illuminates the bigger picture: "continuous warfare" is the key to social control.
It keeps the public frightened and dependent.
And it keeps "the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed."
Better to destroy them in a ritual slaughter like Afghanistan, and wherever is next.
For a truly prosperous society, educated and secure, cannot be ruled by the few. Poverty, ignorance and fear are the three pillars of authoritarian control. Without war, they all disappear.
Thus Afghanistan. Before it: the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, central America. After: whoever else is handy.