WikiLeaks: Path to Seize the ‘Net?
Posted on November 30, 2010 by George Ure
I don’t usually start off a morning report with a reader note, but this one is just too important to pass by unshared:
“George, In listening to Senator Claire McCaskill, (D), Missouri, who sits on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, being interviewed by Chris Mathews on Hardball, MSNBC, it appeared to me that the WikiLeaks dump will be used to choke down the Internet.
I tried to Google and Bing the interview, and also to find the segment on the Hardball website but could not locate it anywhere. So, I watched it again. In response to Mathews, McCaskill said “…the question is, what jurisdiction do we have over the Internet if this information is being published on the Internet in other countries, what jurisdiction do we have? And, I don’t think our laws have caught up to that technology, in that regard. But, I do know that there are laws about the hacker, and I know that Senator Ensign and Senator Web are working on some legislation, as we speak, to update some of the statutes as to make sure it covers human intelligence and not just the kind that’s written up.” — Hardball, MSNBC, November 29, 2010
Sure enough, with Wikileaks occupying the top half of the Drudge Report n(Which headlines Snoop, Spy, Spin at the moment) and other media, we have to wonder if this isn’t indeed some kind of a setup to ‘net controls‘ which we have often previously alluded to?
Outside of the MainStreamMedia, questions about whether WikiLeaks has state level support are being hinted at.