,0,7916071.column?coll=ny-news-columnists Gore Puts Needed Spotlight on Bush's Deceit
Marie Cocco
August 12, 2003
A lone Democrat has identified the essential problem of the Bush administration and is willing to say what it is: Our government sets policy and maintains almost unquestioned power through calculated and comprehensive deceit.
It is very fortunate, and very unfortunate, that Gore says he won't run for president in 2004. Fortunate, because we will be spared Gore-bashing as a substitute for serious coverage. Unfortunate, because non-candidate Gore doesn't get much ink. Yet the message of Gore's speech at New York University on Thursday deserves attention.
The wrong, Gore said, isn't just that President George W. Bush led the nation into a pre-emptive war in Iraq without international support and did so with a public-relations campaign heavy on hyped-up claims that exceeded and at times contradicted intelligence about Saddam Hussein's weaponry. No, the trouble isn't just Iraq.